Idle Energy Tycoon Privacy Policy

I. Introduction

Through this Privacy Policy, Idle Energy Tycoon (I, our) explains our online and offline information practices, the types of information we may collect, how we intend to use, process, store, protect, disclose and share such information, and how you can opt out of using or correcting or changing such information.

Idle Energy Tycoon reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy, and your continued use of the Services constitutes your acceptance of the changes to this Privacy Policy, and if you do not agree to this agreement, you may choose to leave

This Privacy Policy applies to Idle Energy Tycoon’s website, as well as any other online or offline services offered by Idle Energy Tycoon. It also applies to our marketing and advertising activities on all platforms and other services that we may offer to you from time to time. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, we refer to our games and websites and other services collectively as our “Services.

By downloading our mobile applications, accessing and/or playing our games, or interacting with our website or other Services; or communicating in some way with Idle Energy Tycoon, Idle Energy Tycoon may collect information about you based on the nature of the information and transactions, to the extent technically possible at this time. You accept, acknowledge and undertake that your personal information and data may be used by and/or through Idle Energy Tycoon in a limited manner, but only in the form and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. If you have any other concerns about providing data to us or using it as described in this Privacy Policy, you should not use our games or other services.

Each type of information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person constitutes personal data. Processing your personal data means all types of transactions performed on the data, such as obtaining, recording, storing, saving, changing, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, acquiring, accessing, aligning and blocking access.


2. How we collect your personal data

Whenever you download or use the Services to your device, when you obtain your consent or have other legal rights from Facebook, Apple App Store and Google Play App Store (collectively, the “Platforms”) platforms and business partners or other third party companies to share such personal information with us (including advertising platforms and partners and acquired data aggregators). We share such personal information with you (including advertising platforms and partners and data aggregators where obtained). This may include attributes about you and your interests, as well as other games and services you use, demographic and general location information. We will use your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy.


2.1. Personal data collected directly from you when you use the Services.

– By downloading, accessing and/or playing our games or using our other services, you consent to Idle Energy Tycoon collecting your personal data.

– Idle Energy Tycoon may collect certain personal data from you and/or your device when you use the Services through the Platform. Most of this data comes directly from you or your device, such as your unique device ID (permanent/non-permanent), your device’s operating system, model number, hardware type, advertising identifier (IDFA for IOS devices and GAID for Android devices), advertising ID, your device name, Game Center ID, and location based on your Internet Protocol ( “IP”).

– We use this data to provide you with our games and services, to provide you with a better service, to make suggestions, to improve its services, to improve and update our services, and may also use it for other purposes as set forth in this Privacy Policy.


2.2 Payments for in-app purchases are performed by the Platform.

Idle Energy Tycoon does not collect personal data that you share with the Platform for payment purposes, such as your name, credit card number and email address. Idle Energy Tycoon does not have access to your credit card or bank account data. However, the Platform may share non-financial payment information about your purchases with us in order to fulfill your order.


2.3 Personal Information

If you choose not to create a Idle Energy Tycoon personal profile by connecting your Facebook account, the personal data we collect when you play our games will be anonymous, but we will collect device level identifiers and other information associated with those identifiers, including

the type of device you use to play our games or access our services, identifiers such as IP address, device identifiers, advertising identifiers, Idle Energy Tycoon player IDs, and the country or region where you play; and how you play our games and interact with our site (e.g., level start, level end, spending, rewards, your progress in the game, session time and duration of game services) and other game information


2.4 Providing and optimizing our services

We use your personal data to enable us to provide you with our website, advertising and other services, and to optimize all of these so that we can provide the best possible service to you and all of our players. This will include the use and analysis of aggregate data to ensure that our website works well on all devices and is as enjoyable as possible for all players.


2.5 Customer Service

We use your personal data, including the contact information you provide to us directly in correspondence (email), to provide you with technical support through our customer service channels or to contact us in any way if you need it. We will process your contact information to fulfill your requests, communicate with you, as part of customer service, or to send you updates about our games and services. Finally, we will use your data to manage your account and relationship with us and to improve your experience when you use our services.


2.6 User Reviews/Comments

From time to time, you may share your reviews of our games and provide certain information that may contain personal data. All personal data collected from your participation in such reviews is provided by you voluntarily. We may use such personal data to resolve problems you encounter, to fulfill your requests, to improve our products, website and/or services, and in any manner consistent with the policies provided herein.


2.7 Analysis and Research

We use analytics tools (which may include third party analytics tools) to collect information about how you play our games or use our services. These tools may use cookies or other similar tracking technologies. We may use your data to conduct research, surveys, or to interact with you directly, such as sending you communications for this purpose (including via email).


2.8 Chat

Some of our services include a chat feature. Users of our chat services may send messages to other players. We may use and store your messages: (a) to communicate your messages; and (b) to enable you and your recipients to view your message history (but please note that your in-game chat messages will no longer be accessible after the relevant period of time as determined by us). We reserve the right to review the content of your messages, including the use of automated filters, to ensure your compliance with our Terms of Service, and we also reserve the right to block your use of our chat service or to block the sending of any messages for any reason.


2.9 Lawful Use

We may use your data as required or permitted by any applicable law.


3. Personal data collected from third parties

As mentioned above, most of the information we collect about you when you play our games or interact with our websites, advertisements or other services comes directly from you. However, when you allow third-party companies to access your personal data (for example, by downloading our mobile applications through a platform), we may also collect information from such platforms.

3.1 Facebook Account Connections

Idle Energy Tycoon may collect your first and last name if you connect to the Services through Facebook. When you log in to your Idle Energy Tycoon profile using your Facebook account details, we will receive some of your Facebook account information. If you choose to play our games online, your basic Facebook account information will automatically be associated with your Idle Energy Tycoon profile. The exact information we receive is the Facebook ID, avatar and your name. If you do this, you will be able to use your account to log in to multiple devices and sync your progress between them. Where available, you will also be able to see which of your friends are playing the same game and their progress in it (they will be able to see you and your progress), or access other features and other services that we offer in the game.

Signing in with Facebook will not allow us to post any content on your page without your permission and we will not receive any information about your Facebook friends who are not playing our game. If you do not want your Facebook friends to be able to see you and your progress in our games, you can prevent this by disconnecting from our games to Facebook and updating your application permissions in your Facebook settings.

We recommend that you read Facebook’s privacy policy ( ) and check your privacy settings from time to time to make sure you fully understand how your Facebook data is shared.


3.2 Installing our mobile apps through the App Store and Google Store

Idle Energy Tycoon does not have access to your credit card or bank account data when you install or purchase items associated with our mobile apps (such as items you can purchase/download through the platform). However, the platforms mentioned above may share with us non-financial payment information related to your purchases, such as items purchased to fulfill your order. The personal data received from the platform will depend on the privacy settings of the relevant platform application.


4. Processing of your personal data

We collect and use your personal data for the following purposes.

– To enable us to offer our games, to ensure that your purchases are activated in the game and to provide you with player support when you need it.

– To enable us to optimize our games for you and the devices you use, and to provide customized game events, offers and promotions.

– For other purposes as set forth in this Privacy Policy, including marketing and advertising purposes.

– To operate, improve and optimize our games and other services.

– To personalize our Services, to learn about our users and their preferences in order to enhance the user experience and enjoyment of using our Services, and to improve our user experience.

– providing access to certain areas, functions and features of our Services.

– To notify you about in-game updates, new products or promotional offers.

– To send relevant information, including confirmations, technical notices, updates and security alerts, as well as support and administrative messages.

– Enabling players to communicate with each other in-game or on our social media accounts.

– responding to your comments and inquiries and providing customer support services.

– preventing potentially prohibited or illegal activities and protecting our players.

– Measuring interest in our services.

– Ensuring internal quality control.

– enabling us to comply with the laws that apply to us, preventing fraud, ensuring compliance with our Terms of Service or defending, exercising or establishing our legal rights where necessary


5. Processing of your personal data

Legal basis Idle Energy Tycoon relies on the following legal basis for processing your personal data.

– Explicit consent and/or your request

– Where disclosure of such information is necessary under applicable law or regulation or a court decision or issued administrative order

– Is necessary to establish and enforce an agreement

– Is necessary for Idle Energy Tycoon to fulfill its legal obligations as a data controller

– Is necessary for the establishment, exercise and protection of any rights

– Is enforceable in the legal interests of Idle Energy Tycoon, without prejudice to your fundamental rights and freedoms

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time in the context of data processing activities based on explicit consent for the processing of your personal data.

Idle Energy Tycoon is committed to keeping your data and any confidential information strictly confidential and, without prejudice to the content herein, treats it as a duty of confidentiality to take all measures and exercise due diligence to prevent all or any part of your information from entering the public domain or being subject to unauthorized use, or to take measures to prevent the disclosure of confidential information to any third party. Idle Energy Tycoon shall not be liable if, despite all necessary data security measures taken by Idle Energy Tycoon, Confidential Information is damaged by an attack on the system or is accessed by a third party.

Idle Energy Tycoon is not responsible for damages resulting from the use of information disclosed by you in comments or messages provided by third parties in public areas. If you share information such as your name and password that you used to create your membership record with a third party, Idle Energy Tycoon is not responsible for any damage that may result from sharing the information with the third party.


6. Transfer of your personal data

If a public authority is authorized by law to request personal data, your personal data may be transferred to that authorized public authority in accordance with the applicable personal data protection legislation. Requests from judicial authorities will also be met in accordance with applicable law.

We may access, preserve and disclose your personal data, other account information and content if we believe it is necessary or appropriate (e.g., as required by law and similar disclosures) to.

(i) to comply with law enforcement or national security requirements and legal process, such as a court order or subpoena.

(ii) To respond to your requests.

(iii) To protect your rights, property or safety, ours or others.

(iv) enforce Idle Energy Tycoon Games’ policies or contracts.

(v) Collecting amounts owed to Idle Energy Tycoon Games.

(vi) When we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent personal injury or financial loss or in connection with the investigation or prosecution of suspected or actual illegal activity.

vii) When we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary or advisable.

In addition, server logs may be reviewed from time to time for security purposes (e.g., to detect unauthorized service activity). In such cases, server log data containing IP addresses may be shared with law enforcement agencies, so they may be able to identify users in the context of investigating unauthorized activity.


7. International Transfers

All personal data collected through or by Idle Energy Tycoon may be stored anywhere in the world, including but not limited to Turkey, the United States, the European Union, the Cloud, our servers and the servers of our affiliates or our service providers. When we transfer your personal data internationally, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that it is processed securely and lawfully in the manner we describe herein. Please note that laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so the privacy laws that apply to where your information is transferred or stored, used or processed may differ from the privacy laws that apply to your place of residence.

By providing information to Idle Energy Tycoon, you consent to the storage of your personal data in these locations.

If you use our Services in the European Union or other jurisdictions that have laws governing data collection and use, please note that you consent to the transfer of your information to the United States and the processing of your data globally.

By choosing to visit the Site, use the Services, or otherwise provide information to us, you agree that any dispute over privacy or the terms contained in this Privacy Policy will be governed by Turkish law.


8. Marketing

8.1 We and our third party partners may use the personal data collected about you to send you marketing information about our mobile applications and related services based on your interests. For example, we may place advertisements on our Services or on third party websites and applications.


We may use the information we hold about you to promote Idle Energy Tycoon’s services in a variety of ways. This may include

– Placing advertisements on third party websites and applications.

– Providing you with customized promotions for our services in the games you play.

– Providing you with in-game advertisements and special offers about Idle Energy Tycoon’s services and games.


8.2 Information for marketing purposes

We use information about you to ensure that you only see marketing information about us that may be of interest to you. This includes using information that we may have about you, such as

Advertising identifiers and other non-personal data collected from your device.

The games you play and information about how you interact with our games and services.

The country or region; and other information we may obtain from our third party marketing partners or other third parties who have your consent or other legal rights to share that information with us.


8.3 Marketing Partners

We use various third-party marketing partners to assist us on our behalf when we market our games in media published by other companies, and we may share the data we collect about you with such third parties for these purposes.

If you do not wish to have your personal data processed in order to receive interest-based advertising, you may contact us to submit an opt-out request. You should note that if you choose not to receive interest-based or targeted advertising, you will still see ads, and you may see ads for Idle Energy Tycoon products, but these ads will not use your personal data.

This privacy policy does not apply to data collected from you by our marketing partners. We recommend that you review our partners’ privacy policies for more information.


8.4 Cookies Used by Third Parties

Service providers acting on our behalf may use cookies or similar technologies to automatically collect information through the Services. cookies are small text files that are placed in a user’s computer browser to store their preferences. Cookies belonging to such service providers may be set on your device when you use our website or services. Cookies associated with a website will be used by the service provider for the following purposes.

Operationally Necessary: We may use cookies, web beacons or other similar technologies that are necessary for the operation of our websites, services, applications and tools. This includes technologies that allow you to access our websites, services, applications and tools, as well as technologies needed to identify unusual website behavior, prevent fraudulent activity and improve security.

Performance Related: We may use cookies, web beacons, or other similar technologies to evaluate the performance of our websites, applications, services, and tools, including as part of our analytics practices, to help us understand how visitors use our websites.

Feature Related: We may use cookies, web beacons, or other similar technologies to enable us to provide you with enhanced functionality when you visit or use our websites, services, applications, or tools. This may include recognizing you when you log in to our site or tracking your specified preferences, interests or items viewed in the past so that we can enhance the presentation of content on our site.

Advertising or Targeting Related: We may use first-party or third-party cookies and web beacons to place content on our site or third-party sites, including advertisements that are relevant to your interests. This includes using technology to understand the usefulness to you of the ads and content that has been sent to you, such as whether you clicked on the ad.

Opting out of cookie tracking: You can set your web browser to warn you about attempts to place cookies on your computer or to limit the types of cookies you allow. flash cookies operate differently than browser cookies, and the cookie management tools available in your web browser may not be able to delete flash cookies. cookies.

Please note that if you disable cookies, you may lose certain features and functionality of our Services, as cookies are necessary to track and enhance your activity.


9. Advertising Identifiers, Software Development Kits and Similar Technologies

To deliver our games, websites and interest-based advertising, we use ad identifiers, software development kits and similar technologies. This section describes our use of these technologies.


9.1 We use ad identifiers and similar technologies to provide our services to you and to collect data from your device. These technologies enable us and our third party advertising partners to.

– Identify you and your device.

– Deliver interest-based advertising to you.

– Allow our Services to interact with third party social networks or platforms (where you have opted to allow such interaction).

– enable us and third parties to provide you with more customized services, such as offering our services in the correct language.


9.2 The Role of Ad Identifiers and Similar Technologies

Ad identifiers are non-permanent, non-personal identifiers, such as Android Ad IDs and/or Apple’s Ad IDs, that are uniquely associated with your device. Similar technologies include tracking pixels in ads. These technologies allow companies, including marketers and advertisers, to recognize your device when you use websites and apps.


9.3 Opt-Out Options for Interest-Based Ads

Opt-out of interest-based advertising at the device level: You can choose to block your device’s ad identifier from being used for interest-based advertising, or you can reset your device’s ad identifier by changing the device settings. Settings vary by device, but you will typically find the ad identifier setting under “Privacy” or “Ads” in the device settings.

Opting out of Facebook ads: To update your Facebook advertising preferences, you will need to log into your Facebook account and update your settings there.


10. Your rights with regard to the protection of personal data

You have certain rights with respect to your personal data and how we process it. You can exercise these rights at any time by contacting us using any of the methods listed in the “Contact Us” section below.

These rights include.

– Access to personal data: You have the right to access your personal data used by Idle Energy Tycoon Games.

Correction or deletion of personal data: If your personal data is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to ask Idle Energy Tycoon Games to correct or complete your personal data. You may also have the right to request that Idle Energy Tycoon Games delete your personal data when certain conditions apply.

– Account Deactivation: If you wish to completely deactivate your account, including unlinking your Facebook account from our current and future mobile games, and removing our games from your mobile device. Please note that if you completely deactivate your account, all your progress in our games and any unused virtual items will be lost and we may not be able to recover them in the future.

– Restrictions on the processing of personal data: When certain conditions apply, you may have the right to ask Idle Energy Tycoon Games to restrict the use of your personal data.

– Objection to the processing of personal data: When certain conditions apply, you may have the right to object to the use of your personal data by Idle Energy Tycoon Games.

You can control the personal data we collect about you in other ways. For example, you can disconnect your Facebook or other social network account from our games or delete our games from your mobile device. You can also reset your mobile ad identifier or restrict ad tracking altogether using the settings in your phone.

We may occasionally send you push notifications through our mobile apps that contain game updates, high scores, and other notifications that may be of interest to you. You can opt out of receiving these types of communications at any time by changing the settings on your mobile device.

You can control the personal data we collect about you in other ways. For example, you can disconnect your Facebook or other social network account from our games or delete our games from your mobile device. You can also reset your mobile ad identifier or restrict ad tracking altogether using the settings in your phone.


11. Children’s Privacy

Most Idle Energy Tycoon services and games are not intended for children under the age of 18, and Idle Energy Tycoon does not knowingly collect or solicit personal data about anyone under the age of 18, nor does Idle Energy Tycoon target or target interest-based advertising to anyone under the age of 18, nor does Idle Energy Tycoon knowingly allow such persons to use Idle Energy Tycoon services.

You must be 18 years of age or older to play our games and use our Services. We do not knowingly and intentionally collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18. However, we may collect personal data from such persons if such persons use the Services in violation of this Privacy Policy. If you believe that we may have any information from or about children under the age of 18, please contact us.


12. Data Retention

For as long as you use our services or for the purposes of collecting information, providing our services, resolving disputes, establishing legal defenses, conducting audits, pursuing legitimate business purposes, enforcing our agreements, and complying with applicable law.

Please note that if you ask us to delete your personal data, we will retain your data as necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as complying with our legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing our agreements.


13. Security

The personal data you provide to Idle Energy Tycoon is stored on servers located in secure facilities and is protected by protocols and procedures designed to ensure that such data complies with industry standard security, such as firewalls and data encryption. However, no server, computer or communications network or system or data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Therefore, while Idle Energy Tycoon strives to protect your personal data, Idle Energy Tycoon cannot ensure or warrant the security of any personal data you transmit to Idle Energy Tycoon or through the Services.

By using the Services or providing personal data to us, you agree that we may communicate with you electronically regarding security privacy and administrative issues related to your use of the Services. If we learn of a breach of security systems, we may attempt to notify you electronically by posting a notice on the Services or sending you an email.


14. Changes to the Privacy Policy and Practices

14.1 Revisions to the Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy at our sole discretion, so please review it periodically. If you continue to visit the Site and use the services provided to you after such changes are made, you hereby consent to such changes; we will not notify you of any changes to this Privacy Policy


14.2 New Uses of Personal Information

In addition, before we use personal information for any new purpose that was not originally authorized by you, we will endeavor to provide information about the new purpose and provide you with an opportunity to opt out. Idle Energy Tycoon will endeavor to comply with the law or contract when the individual is otherwise required by law or contract to consent to the processing of personal information.


15. Contact Information for Data Controllers

If you have any questions about privacy practices or this Privacy Policy, please contact Idle Energy Tycoon’s Data Protection Officer.